A highlight from this week was definitely my observed lesson. I was a bit apprehensive leading into it because it's getting late in the school year which means kids are starting to lose it. Also, the lesson was supposed to be spread over two days but it got condensed into one. Leading into the lesson I called an audible and decided to cut out a discussion and switch up two of my demonstrations. I realized if I followed my initial lesson then there was no way I was going to beat the clock. It worked and the kids still reached the objectives and the academic language content.
Something that made me think a little differently was how important discussion is to provide adequate learning for all learners. In one class there is 4 high level learners and 4 low learners. This contrast is a difficult one to tackle especially if you're trying to get to every student in a single period. A discussion allows a build up of the difficulty of question which allows everyone to participate. It also gives multiple perspectives as there are only so many ways I can think of to present material. Sometimes students learn best from their peers and are more comfortable with that.
A strategy I want to implement is using the jigsaw method. I think at this point in the year a research project would really draw students in and keep them engaged. The idea to split them into groups and give each group a segment of research would really help with accountability. It would also help cement students ability to work as a group and to take on responsibility that goes beyond just taking care of and cleaning up lab materials. This method would be good to cover a historical or cultural piece on science which is an area that is often neglected.
A perplexing situation that occurred was having a group of five boys being suspended for playing a game of slapping girls' butts. It's easy to come down hard on these kids especially in a time where sexual harassment is a touchy subject. Boys at this age are trying to figure out all these emotions that are coming out and unfortunately they didn't choose a tasteful way to express themselves. I just hope that they are taught the proper way to conduct themselves from their parents because without consistency at the home then the situation will re-occur.